The flame of the Dragon of Calais under a clear sky. ©Nohcab

The Calais Dragon, theatre and urban poetry

A monumental and fascinating work, the Dragon of Calais, a 72-ton, 10-metre-high mechanical creature, is much more than a simple moving sculpture. It embodies a living spectacle, an immersive experience that enchants visitors of all ages. The Dragon roams the Calais LA Plage seafront, offering open-air performances that combine art, technology and urban poetry.

Urban Theatre according to François Delaroziere and La Machine

The philosophy behind the Dragon of Calais is rooted in the concept of urban theatre developed by François Delaroziere and his famous company La Machine. A pioneer in the creation of giant mechanical creatures, Delaroziere has transformed urban art into a discipline where public space becomes an open-air stage, accessible to all. For him, each city has a soul that art must reveal, and what better than a dragon to reveal that of Calais? If you want to know its meaning, we can only advise you to climb aboard it to experience the 45-minute guided tour. Urban theatre, as practiced by La Machine, pushes the boundaries between the public and the work of art, abolishing the traditional barriers of theatre to integrate art into the daily life of the city. Thus, the Dragon of Calais does not just tell a story, it lives it, shares it, and invites passers-by to become actors.

Discover the Dragon Company
The Calais Dragon on the beach, interacting with visitors and its environment. ©Keevin Lecointe
The Dragon of Calais, a colossal mechanical animal that moves along the renovated Calais seafront and its fine sandy beach in the background. ©Fred Collier
A family on board the terrace perches on the back of the Dragon of Calais, a mechanical animal that travels on the Calais seafront. In the background, the chalets on the fine sand beach. ©Nohcab

Contemplate and slow down in a big way

The presence of the Dragon of Calais also invites us to stop, to slow down the frenetic pace of everyday life to allow ourselves a moment of reverie, of contemplation. Observe its graceful movements despite its monumental size, listen to its growls that resonate like a call to adventure, feel the air vibrate when it beats its wings… Everything contributes to writing an ode to patience, to the attentive observation of the marvelous that unfolds before our eyes. In a world where everything is always going faster, the Dragon reminds us of the importance of taking our time, thus restoring to the city its role as a public square and meeting place.

Rediscovering the coastal beaches

The universal language of movement

The Dragon of Calais translates deep and universal emotions. His secret? Movement! By animating this gigantic creature, the Dragon Company's machinists bring to life a language without words, where every gesture, every flap of a wing, every eyelash, or every nod of the head carries meaning. This language of movement transcends generations and cultures, touching the human heart.

Interacting with the Dragon allows you to reconnect with simple but essential emotions, such as surprise, wonder, gentle fear or pure joy. Through this encounter, the machinists create a bridge between past and future, between reality and imagination, inviting everyone to let themselves be carried away by the magic of the present moment. The Dragon of Calais, through its gigantism, succeeds in uniting the emotions of all, regardless of age. When it crosses the beach, it creates an obvious moment of sharing, where generations come together in a shared surge of fascination. Parents, grandparents, children and friends find themselves living this timeless experience together.

Book a trip aboard the dragon!
View of the Dragon of Calais, monumental animal of the Dragon Company. ©Kleec Photography
the Dragon of Calais staring at the lens with its bright red eyes. ©Keevin Lecointe